This year's publication, which includes statistical information from all (4) testing
windows in 2012, has been completely redesigned to better meet the needs of the both
NASBA's stakeholders and the book's numerous end users.
In addition to the summary
data points, significant emphasis is placed on developing and presenting a
comprehensive and graphical view of candidate performance from a variety of different
viewpoints. One of the most noticeable changes is the inclusion of a 2-page dashboard
for each of the jurisdictions represented in this book.
Is your school in the book? (Click Here)
Additional improvements include:
- Enhanced demographic reporting: Age, Gender, Home Country
- International exam performance metrics
- School rankings based on program size
- Inclusion of more schools in the publication
Tables represented in the book:
- 2012 Annual and Quarterly Summaries
- Jurisdiction Summary Statistics
- Top 30 Countries (By number of candidates)
- Demographic Trending (Age, Gender, Degree)
- 2012 Institution Rankings by first-time Examination Performance
- Summary Performance by Institution Attended (All, First-time Only, Bachelor's Advanced)
- Section Performance by Institution Attended (All, First-time Only)